CR84FN39 Terrific Top 3

 Hi there! Many thanks to all the talented designers who took on the CR84FN39 Color Challenge and to those who continue to leave such kind and encouraging comments for the entire CR84FN DT :) The gallery was overflowing with so many beautiful projects making it VERY difficult for the DT to narrow it down to only 3 so, without further delay and in no particular order here are the CR84FN39 Terrific Top 3 designers: 
We would love to see the CR84FN Terrific Top 3 badge on your sidebar of your blog, so if you would like to display it please email me and I will happily to send it your way! Hope to see all of your beautiful creations in this week's CR84FN40 Color Challenge! (click HERE) or continue to scroll down: 
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Thanks from the entire CR84FN CT :)

5 Responses
  1. OMGoodness! Thanks so Much for choosing My card as one of the Terrific top three! Wow! So Excited and very honored. 8-) Big Congrats to Lynn and Jeanne too! 8-)

    Shannon 8-)

  2. Congratulations to the Terrific Top Three, these are so beautiful!

  3. Yahoo! How exciting! Thank you for choosing my card as one of the top three, I'm honored!

  4. Congratulations for whole Terrific Top Three! Your works are very inspiring:)